Science tells us that a deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need we all have to function as we were meant. Yet even when we have all those things, we still fall apart, ache, get sick and hurt others. Could it be that we are missing something? Join us Saturday, October 22nd at 11:30 am to find out.
It has been 20 years since “By Choice” sung sweet harmony, in concert, in the Bay Area. But next month, this gospel a cappella group returns once more to treat its listeners to the classic songs not often heard, like “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” and “Woman at the Well.” Join us for this down-memory-lane, free concert in support of “Family Life” for the entire community of East Palo Alto, California.
Be honest. Is it easy to make your head turn? While on a project at school or at work, does the excitement of drama around you compel you to always want to know? How about, do the murmurings of others cause you to loose your concentration? In this Christian journey, if only we would remember that GOD needs us all to just stay focused. The mission is almost complete. Join us Saturday, September 3rd at 11:30 am at the East Palo Alto Worship Center as Elder Terrance Clark leads us in the discover of how we can avoid becoming a distracted disciple.
Join us for Domestic Violence Awareness Day as special guest Dr. Mable C. Dunbar shares with us “how you can be healed.” Plan to stay all day as presentations are given in both English and Spanish. A free lunch, a mini concert, and a panel discussion will conclude the day as we continue “Impacting our community!”
How many of us, who profess to believe in GOD, are really those who are too afraid to say that they don’t? In reality, they are only Christian in name. Wouldn’t it be easier, and make more sense, to simply get Him out of your life? Well, we have good news! Join us Saturday, August 13th at 11:30 am at the East Palo Alto Worship Center and discover how to finally get GOD out of your life — once and for all!
One author advocates that GOD doesn’t answer prayers. He answers desperate prayers! Could it be that GOD allows desperate situations to stir up those desperate prayers? After all, doesn’t your prayer life denote how much you really depend on GOD’s ability versus your own? Join us Saturday, August 6th at 11:30 am at the East Palo Alto Worship Center as we discover some of these desperate situations with GOD!
This and next Saturday, join us 45 miles south of East Palo Alto in Soquel, CA as we attend the 136th Central California Conference Camp Meeting! This year’s theme is TransformED: Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow. Speakers will be Dr. Carlton P. Byrd (July 16th) and George Knight (July 23rd). Special Musical guests will be Larnelle Harris. This is a year you won’t want to miss!
What if there was a secret to prosperity & growth that never really was a secret — rather, it was actually meant to be known by all? What if it were simply an under-utilized power because, for so many, it is GOD’s principle of growth, which runs contrary to our world’s? Interested in knowing? Join us Saturday, July 2nd at 11:30 am at the East Palo Alto Worship Center where, together, we will exam this mighty-working principle of GOD!
“I once was blind, but now I see.” Come and hear Evangelist Eddy Perez close his “Ultimate Hope” Series with a powerful testimony of how GOD gave sight to his naturally-born blind eyes. Join us Saturday, June 25th at 11:30 am at the East Palo Alto Worship Center as we discover how GOD can, metaphorically and literally, bring us out of darkness and into His light!
Spreading epidemics, worsening climate change, global terror, and economic uncertainty all threaten us as never before. Join us June 18-24 at 7 pm at the East Palo Alto Worship Center as Pastor Eddy Perez leads us in the discovery of how you and your family can face the future with hope. You won’t want to miss it!